
Mind is a reservoir for numerous powers. By utilizing the resources which are hidden within it, one can attain any height of success in the world. If the mind is trained, made one-pointed and inwards, it also has a power to penetrate into the deeper levels of our being. It is the finest instrument that a human being can ever have.” Living with the Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama

Swamiji’s views contradicted the established myths and hypocrisies of the society. They were never guided towards any particular belief or religion. He would say, “Love all exclude none”. He would draw clear distinction between preconceived restricting notions of the society towards God by expressing his thoughts fearlessly.

He would lecture at different places and gatherings such as Kumbh Melas. With guidance from Swamiji, his lectures were published in Hindi. His writing led one to a state of self-exploration.

Words are not mere words, but an insight for one to resonate within and seek guidance in the simple yet brilliantly thought provoking. To those who are prepared and are broad-minded, his writing would lead the to understand deeper spiritual insights.


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