
In the early days of our inception, the area around wasn’t much developed, so much so that emphasis was on reaching the last mile – whether on foot or on a bicycle.  Three decades later, the tables have turned.  The area around is developed, community members come here for trainings, exposure visits as also new organizations have taken the onus of serving the communities where we once were.  Today, we are highlighting the Sapera basti (snake charmers colony) where our team labored hard for over a decade.  The activities centered around non-formal education for children, libraries, project based education, toilet construction, health education as well as adolescents exposure to the campus.  Today PEN organization is offering education through a school setup in their vicinity.

“Every individual is a living shrine of God.  No one is inferior, no one is superior.  In order to reinstall these values, we need to revolutionize our system of education.  Education should improve general awareness.  It should touch every niche of society.”                                                                                              Swami Rama.

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