Instruction in meditation should form an integral part of our educational system so that our children, when they grow up, can face the most difficult circumstances in their lives with equanimity and poise and lead a life totally devoid of tension – Swami Rama

World across on the full moon day of Vesak is celebrated as Buddha Purnima when the Revered teacher is venerated in various ways – by the monks, nuns as well as the lay people. Here too, our teacher kept Buddha as the symbol, a brown stone one at HIHT and a green one at Sadhana mandir ashram. He, who stills calmly in equipoise giving his blessings to those working at this hospital site and also showering his benevolence on those meditating in the ashram.
Work at the Institute takes you to different places, one of the most recent ones being to teach the medical students of AIIMS Gorakhpur. Our return flight got cancelled and thus we used the day to visit Kusinagar, the last resting place of Revered Tathagata. As Buddha laid to rest, his last message to his blessed students was to exhort themselves to lighting their own lamp within. That message resonates for one and all, across the centuries too !!