Paving way for inclusion

Inclusion of people with disability as the otherwise not so thought of group is a difficult yet no so difficult task! It’s difficult because they are not considered as part of mainstream development and it is not so difficult because it only takes a thought to make them part of mainstream development. The challenges faced Paving way for inclusion


I had just heard the word ‘Shapath’ while listening to Swami Rama’s lecture in hindi where he had said, ‘Even with the ones you have taken a vow to live together (shapath khaayi saath rahne ke liye), even there you need to talk, but to converse with the Lord, you just need to be silent.  Oath/Shapath

Flashback of Feb 9, 1993

The Founder Sri Swami Rama invited Dr.Jayant Patil, Member Planning Commission to inaugurate the Combined Therapy building.  At that time we were few residents who pitched in for everything – it is a different matter that the aura of Swamiji generated enthusiasm among all to give their best. We were slated to leave the Rishikesh Flashback of Feb 9, 1993


Dr. Hanumantha Rao (sharing in the early 2000) his meeting with Swami Rama : It was in 1974. I was a resident of surgery at Massey hospital, a hospital in Chicago. One Saturday I was driving down one of these highways, the Michigan highway in the US and saw a big poster flashing a conference Reminiscences

Learning Disabilities: The Unfortunate Journey of Discrimination rather than Inclusion

Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Pablo Picasso, Mozart, Leonardo Da Vinci, Charles Darwin, Winston Churchill, Walt Disney What did these people have in common? Yes, these are exceptionally successful people, they conquered not just their disability, but also the world, rising above all odds. Another reason for us mentioning these names was to emphasize the fact Learning Disabilities: The Unfortunate Journey of Discrimination rather than Inclusion


Journeys It’s the time of the year when as per the traditional calender the Founder of Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust, Swami Rama dropped his body with full consciousness.  It also happens to be the time of the year when the festival of lights is celebrated.  As I was taking a walk early in the morning,

Sports and Wellbeing

As our Founder gave importance to physical fitness, encouraging sports among the unprivileged has been one of the endeavours of RDI.  Over the years, children have benefited from the use of playgrounds in the campus as well as through the distribution of games items in their respective areas focusing on those who can’t afford.  This Sports and Wellbeing


“Mind is a reservoir for numerous powers. By utilizing the resources which are hidden within it, one can attain any height of success in the world. If the mind is trained, made one-pointed and inwards, it also has a power to penetrate into the deeper levels of our being. It is the finest instrument that Writer

The writer in a Saint!

“To understand your unconscious mind, you have to be alert and observant and work with yourself gradually.” – Art of Joyful Living by Sri Swami Rama Casually referring to – if that can be a term for penning about His Holiness Swami Rama –  I chance upon his book, the Art of Joyful Living and The writer in a Saint!