
Leading the Charge for Sustainable Water Solutions with Innovative Strategies

Greywater is a type of wastewater that does not include toilet water. Greywater is considered to be high volume low strength wastewater that has high reuse and application potential. The composition varies depending on lifestyle, fittings and climate. Greywater reuse has been around for a long time and is still going on in water stressed Leading the Charge for Sustainable Water Solutions with Innovative Strategies

Mainstreaming Disability in Development

RDI works to create inclusive and sustainable growth and development for people with disabilities, starting from the ground up. People with disabilities can have a variety of impairments, such as visual, speech, and hearing impairments, intellectual impairments, multiple impairments, psychological impairments, physical impairments, and so on. RDI supports people with disabilities by helping them to Mainstreaming Disability in Development

Health for all

Incorporating information technology in community health programs has one unique feature; both clients and providers save enormous amount of time, energy and cost. At the same time it increases the number of beneficiaries for health services in remote areas.  To make the services cost-effective for common people, Rural Development Institute has adopted various strategies which Health for all