Reaching out to the Adolescents…

Reflection of activities in the mountains

Once confident that the mother and child programs had gained a certain momentum and continuity, we began the work on the next generation viz the adolescents in the early 2000. 

Training of Trainers at RDI

Our first endeavour in this regard began twofold: health and lifestyle management program for 100 adolescents at micro level and at macro level through a ‘Better Life Options’ program catering to more than  20,000 adolescents.  This was implemented through 15 NGOs reaching out to 150 villages across the 12 districts of Uttarakhand. RDI-HIHT provided support and technical assistance to the network partners through field observation / monitoring visits and telephonic/electronic communication. 40 male and female lead trainers were trained, they then trained 95 grass root facilitators who then reached out to 20,321 adolescent girls and boys of 10-19 years.

The in-house adolescent lifestyle management program was developed to empower adolescents through self-awareness and self-management techniques, focusing on their mental, emotional, and social well being. Ten-day training course was held at HIHT creating a safe & supportive learning environment and included activities such as yoga, breathing and relaxation exercises. After the training course, adolescents then became peer educators in their communities.

A training handbook, You Are the Architect of Your Life, inspired by Swami Rama’s teachings was developed by H.H. Swami Rama’s students. It addressed all aspects of life-  the physical, mental and spiritual, thus enabling adolescents to view their lives holistically. Communication and stress management were also a part of the curriculum. 

At national level a symposium was organised in Delhi for all NGOs working on Adolescents in which HIHT represented by Dr. Renu Dhasmana and Ms. B. Maithili also participated.

At National Level with the then Health Secretary, Mr. A.R. Nanda
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