Sacrament: Forty days after birth

As Swami Veda says in “WANAM: African & Indian –A spiritual Dialogue…

For Forty Days After birth theoretically Mother And Child Remain confined in a room, in a chamber, given complete rest.  This Still happens in many village societies in India, it no longer happens in the city societies, where women go out to work.  After those forty days, the child is brought out for the first time and is introduced to the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the flowers, the trees, and at that time a sacrament is performed.(Page 90-91)

Forty day cycle events are done in many other events too, whether for the upcoming Guru Poornima, the day dedicated to the spiritual teacher and re-commitment to one’s practice or in this karma bhoomi, for events leading to a completion of a said purpose.

This time we are doing it for the Akhar Education program, which is for building the base for the young one’s to be able to continue their growth during these Covid times. 

The ancient heart, if united with the modern mind, will prevent us from losing what we have and allows us to accept that which is good in the growth of each individual and of humanity as a whole.              Swami Rama

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