
March 10, 1994.

Dr.Shoba,  Dr.Rajeshwari, Eileen and Al (from US) drove from HIHT campus to Veerbhadra temple (ancient Shiva temple), having loaded the car with fruits and flowers.  The line of worshippers stretched for more than a kilometer and the temple grounds were crowded with sellers of food and makeshift market with wide variety of souvenirs.  They all decided to come to the ashram and give their offerings to Swami Rama.

As Eileen told us, she asked Swamiji what was the meaning of Shivratri and he replied, “You know that you celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s day.  Well on this day, you celebrate the Lord of Life.”  And he also said, it was a good time to forgive anyone who had  harmed or  hurt us.

He then asked them all if they wanted to go to the temple, to  come back at 11pm and he would arrange for car to take them there.  Few of us from the ashram also joined.  The temple was totally deserted of everyone except the priests performing the puja and us ! What a hallowed space it was to be – where His Master had also brought him in his early years !!

God, for me, is  truth, and truth is that which exists in all times – the past, present and future.                                                                                                     Swami Rama

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