We’ve come of Age !

Nagthath in Khalsi block of Dehradun district is home to Jaunsari tribes who constitute 33% of the population in the State.  Since 2004, RDI has made localized efforts in offering its services to the people from this earlier hard to reach tribal population.   Many interventions done include clinical services through our post graduate medical students; rural epilepsy surveillance program (with the help of the neuro department); water and sanitation projects in 40 villages; addressing the needs of adolescents and the differently abled.

Today was a landmark moment as the community inaugurated a health project in their own site.  It’s a primary health care project through Health and Wellness Centers, a telemedicine center, as well as training on digital literacy so as to navigate pandemic responses.  Our collaboration with Space related agencies – whether through ISRO enabling the Village Resource Center or now, the New Space India Limited funding this project – are milestones we are proud of !

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