
Does one flow with the trend or does one follow one’s conscience mandate?  What happens when one encounters the gap between one’s Knowing and Being.  One such incident happened yesterday.  The ushering of the New Year/spring festival is traditionally done in the hills with young girls laying flowers at the doorsteps of the houses and giving benedictions for prosperity. We did that yesterday to teach the young ones the culture and to keep the Tradition on.  But it went against the love of our life – our Founders deep inherent love for nature and his resolve to never pick a flower as that would entail strangling the child of Nature.  We can’t even say sorry, as he said it’s better to not repeat rather than say ‘sorry’ and not mean it.

May we able to teach our young ones what we know ushers the life force

May our thoughts, actions and speech be in unity.

Who has like thou mingled the strains of joy and sorrow somehow into the song of my life, enabling me to realise and know the joy that from eternity does flow, a joy that endures through all pains yet claims nothing after many gains.

        To those who understand the message and its words for them there shall be no fear left on the earth.

            Therefore, today with undying gratitude complete, this flower offers its petals at thy lotus feet.

                                                                                    From Swami Rama Poetry reading                                                                                                                                     

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