Gandhiji and Swamiji

Interesting coincidences of centenaries.  MGIMS (Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences) began in the Gandhi centenary year.  And as we begin to celebrate Swami Rama’s centenary year, MGIMS alumini meet is being hosted today in his karma bhoomi !

Love Serve Remember is the motto of HIHT and Satya Dharm Prem that of MGIMS !

In his youth days, when Swamiji asked his Master why Gandhiji is venerated, he took him to a railway station where Gandhiji was due to arrive and asked him to watch how he carries himself.  Gandhiji alighted from the train, and Swamiji observed that it seemed as if he was pulling his body, that much apart was he from his physical Self, and then understood why he was revered.  Subsequently, his master sent him to be with Gandhiji in his ashram.  Though Swamiji was in normal clothes, Gandhiji immediately recognized him and said, ‘Tu, Baba Dharamdas ka chela, tu kab aya?’ At that time all in Gandhiji’s ashram were involved in karma yoga and Swamiji worked as assistant copy editor for the ashram magazine, Harijan.  Then Gandhiji’s son, Ramdas accompanied Swamiji to Kausani in Kumaon Himalayas.

There are various channels of knowledge, knowledge through the mind, knowledge through the senses, knowledge through instinct, but the finest of all is the intuitive knowledge which has been the guide of all great men in the past – Swami Rama

Humanness is the soil, and religion is the tree that grows in that soil.  Some take care of the soil, other tend the tree – and some fight for the possession of the fruit.  I happened to be born under this tree of Hinduism, and when I came to understand that this tree and its fruit must remain connected to the soil for nourishment, I began working for the soil.  If the same soil also nurtures other kinds of trees, such as Christianity, Islam and Sikhism, is that bad? – Gandhiji said to Swamiji.

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