Science and Spirituality..

Somebody in US after watching Swami Rama demonstrate said, “You are remarkable!”  Swamiji turned and said to him, “You are insulting my work.”

So how did he train himself? Let’s hear it in his own words:

When I renounced and walked into the forest, people used to search for me, and I used to live in the jungles of Nainital, the mountains. I used to live on the top of the tree somewhere, tying myself with other branch. I lived in the jungles, sometimes hungry, sometimes before elephant and tigers, but the whole key was this, not to weaken myself. Because when you are prepared to live in the forest you will have to face all these problems. This is not one day, or two days problem. Likewise when you have chosen to live in a home, in a city with other people, then why do you not accept that problems will come every day from others? Remember to establish peace within by having attitude towards whole life.

 During those days my willpower was very strong. It’s not so strong as it was there, because I was very sensitive towards the pain of others but not sensitive towards my own pain. Never! Never cared if something happened to my body. Nothing, get out. Come on, wash off. The moment I thought and it happened.

I wanted to examine the same power in the Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas. Have I lost that and still I have that?  So the man who worked with me- he never believed in God or in any swami and all that– Doug Boyd. He worked for me whole night, stretching my suitcases, this and that, and that handle which he used gave blisters to his right palm. He said, “Look swami, what have you done to me, so many blisters.” I said, “Do you believe in healing?” He said, “No!” “Do you believe in God?” He said, “I don’t care.” I shook hands with him and they disappeared. That shook his whole life. Now I am not a big healer. I don’t say I am a great healer. He did not cooperate with me, yet I did it. If I tried second time, perhaps I would fail. You can do many things when you are at your best. You can do many things when your willpower is one-pointed, when your willpower is not scattered, when your mind becomes one-pointed.Last of mantra which I have received from my Master when I left for Europe in 1950’s when I came first, I said, “Give me something, last advice.” He looked at me. He said, “Still you need advice?” I said, “I will always need as long as you live.” He said, “Highest of all the attitude is this particular attitude, that no matter where you live, in any condition you live, what you call good and bad, try to be cheerful.” Cheerfulness is one of the qualities that you create for yourself.

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