International Women’s Day

Scientist Dr. Asha Saklani

This Women’s Day, I am dedicating the blog to two Kritika’s – one who has finished her engineering and working for multinational in one of the major city of India and the other medical student currently studying in our university  in the Himalayan Institute of Medical science. Randomly I asked what would be a key word which would summarize `Women’s Day’ for them. Very interestingly, both Kritika’s said ‘equal opportunity’. I asked the Kritika studying in Swamiji’s place to elaborate what she meant by equal opportunity and added that we should respect the fact that men and women are built with different strengths. We talked.  But her reasoning further was mind-blowing. She said she aspired for taking up Psychiatry further on after her graduation, but would her parents concede?  Would her peers and society give her the same respect that other branches get? She had a point.  I tried to enthuse her by telling about Swami Rama and his work with mind-body control.  She knew of the Founder, his experiments etc.  But there are so many other variables for the way forward.  As I close, I can only pray for this place to give her the strength to fulfill her innate need to take up this profession respectfully.

 “Do you know who first taught meditation in action? You may believe that was Buddha, Krishna or Christ, but actually the founders of meditation in daily life were women” – Inspired Thoughts of Swami Rama.

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