Buddha Purnima

On May 25, 1994 Buddha Purnima day, a brown sandstone Buddha was inaugurated at the Himalayan Hospital by the then Finance Minister of India, Sri Manmohan Singhji.  Two beautiful Buddha statues  had come from Orissa – one was this that was installed here at the Himalayan Institute and the other, a beautiful jade green one, made it to Sadhana Mandir Ashram, which is by the banks of the Ganges.

The Founder, Dr. Swami Rama said that our ancients left us symbols so that coming generations could decipher the meaning being conveyed. The Buddha statue here symbolizes Buddha’s core teaching – to understand that there is suffering and there is a way out of it. Thus to Buddha’s left is the hospital (acknowledging suffering) and to his right the medical college (wisdom center) and he faces north (ideal direction for meditation). Thus Self-awareness is the way out of this suffering. 

Tathagata’s last words were :

Handa dani bhikkhave amantayami vo: Vayadhamma sankhara appamadena sampadetha. 

“Behold now, bhikkhus, I exhort you: All compounded things are subject to vanish. Strive with earnestness!

As said by Buddha “‘You should accomplish all your duties without allowing mindfulness to lapse!’, so also is this karmabhoomi inspired by Buddha’s compassion to serve the masses, here through health and education.

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