
RDI Foundation Day

Learnings from previous programs… Rural Development Institute (RDI) was founded in 1990 by Dr. H.H. Dr. Swami Rama under Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust as the first operational unit to provide services to the rural communities in Uttarakhand and other Himalayan States. The Institute celebrates its Foundation Day every year on   20th – 21st September. This RDI Foundation Day

Full Circle

It was 2011.  We had just successfully conducted years of adolescent girls program through 891 anganwadi centers in three hill districts of Uttarakhand.  I had signed up to conduct my first Silence retreat for others at Sadhana Mandir ashram by the Ganges.  The opening session was to be at 5pm.  That afternoon, received a frantic Full Circle

Women’s Day

On this Women’s day, I’d like to share about my predecessor Dr. Aruna Bhargava (in attached photo of 1994).  I first met her at Sadhana Mandir ashram in 1992.   Swamiji asked her to assign me some work, so was told by her (Ragini was also with her), to arrange the books in the library.  My Women’s Day

Sports and Wellbeing

As our Founder gave importance to physical fitness, encouraging sports among the unprivileged has been one of the endeavours of RDI.  Over the years, children have benefited from the use of playgrounds in the campus as well as through the distribution of games items in their respective areas focusing on those who can’t afford.  This Sports and Wellbeing


“Mind is a reservoir for numerous powers. By utilizing the resources which are hidden within it, one can attain any height of success in the world. If the mind is trained, made one-pointed and inwards, it also has a power to penetrate into the deeper levels of our being. It is the finest instrument that Writer

The writer in a Saint!

“To understand your unconscious mind, you have to be alert and observant and work with yourself gradually.” – Art of Joyful Living by Sri Swami Rama Casually referring to – if that can be a term for penning about His Holiness Swami Rama –  I chance upon his book, the Art of Joyful Living and The writer in a Saint!