Science and Spirituality

I called home one day and it was the first time I heard my mom say, ‘I can’t talk to you now – I’m immersed in a fantastic book called Journey Home  and I haven’t been able to put the down since it has come (she was reading one translated into an Indian language).’ Not having known her to be a book worm, I asked who wrote it.  She said Radhanath Swami (of American descent). Piqued, I ordered the English version and was pleasantly surprised to read that he had met our Guru Swami Rama in early 80 in Delhi.  

Quoting him:

“At this conference (World Yoga Conference) that I first met Swami Rama…..A towering man with a regal stride, pristine robes and a dignified aura, he commanded awe.  His eyes were deep and dark and his head was framed by silver hair brushed straight back to his shoulders…………

To exhibit the powers of yoga, Swami Rama brought several American doctors.  While he entered into yogic trance, they connected his body with modern diagnostic devices.  He demonstrated, among other things, that he could consciously raise the temperature of a spot on the left side of his hand 10 degrees, slow his heart rate from 74 beats per minute to 52 in just 50 seconds, produce specific brain wave patterns on demand, consciously move a physical object half way across the room, and even stop his heart altogether.  Coming out of trance, Swami Rama explained, ‘all of the body is in the mind.  Mind over matter is developed by control of consciousness.  You really do not need to know many things, but you definitely need to practice what you know.’  Placing his palms together he added, ‘I did this not to show that I am super human, but to demonstrate the science of yoga.” He went to explain that although yoga had been practiced since the most ancient times, it was the greatest of all sciences.  Based neither on superstition nor sectarianism, yoga could achieve what modern scientists cannot explain.  ‘It is’, he said, ‘the science by which one realizes the enlightened state within.’ 

I was sincerely impressed with Swami Rama.  When I appealed for his blessings, he said in his deep voice, ‘the foundation of your spiritual path will be to keep the company of holy people.’ He raised his open palms to me.  “The blessings of sages will carry you across all obstacles on the path.’

That was the beauty of my Teacher – he guided each according to his Path, while manifesting the highest degree of attainment !!! To the scientific mind, he taught through science, to the bhakta through his/her leaning.  As Swami Rama versed in his Ramayana

Truth inspires our thought and action,

Truth inspires our soul with grace,

Its virtue fills the wide earth

And exalts the human race.

The holy sages find in truth

A vast and sacred heavenly shore,

Scorning death and dark destruction,

Truth survives forever more.

Truth is the way to the eternal

Truth is the highest and mightiest Lord,

Truth upholds the spacious universe,

Truth protects like a sacred sword.

Vain are gold and silver gifts,

Vain are name and fame in vain,

Meaningless are the holy scriptures

But for Truth which they sustain.

Truth is like the sun in splendour

Beauteous like the moon of night,

An adept remains dauntless

As he pursues his holy plight.

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