Science and Spirituality..

Somebody in US after watching Swami Rama demonstrate said, “You are remarkable!”  Swamiji turned and said to him, “You are insulting my work.” So how did he train himself? Let’s hear it in his own words: When I renounced and walked into the forest, people used to search for me, and I used to live Science and Spirituality..

Science and Spirituality

I called home one day and it was the first time I heard my mom say, ‘I can’t talk to you now – I’m immersed in a fantastic book called Journey Home  and I haven’t been able to put the down since it has come (she was reading one translated into an Indian language).’ Not Science and Spirituality

Uttarakhand Diaries

Territorially Uttarakhand is often represented in two different zones i.e. Garhwal & Kumaun. But, this hill-dominant state which apparently seems to be small is actually quite vivid and has too much diversity in its cultures, traditions, dialects, etc. Hence, the quench to know more about Uttarakhand especially the 5 tribes, i.e. Bhotiyas, Thaurs, Buxa, Jaunsaries, Uttarakhand Diaries

Celebration for children

It was Mahasamadhi day – Covid ensured that we had to change somethings.  So the children of our flying birds, who were used to having a sumptuous lunch at the bhandara and then playing in the swings, had it differently this time.  Some tried sneaking into the tent from the back, some came in groups Celebration for children

Journey towards livelihood in the mountains

Livelihood in mountainous region has always been the challenging issue; mainly due to lack of capacity & knowledge for utilizing locally available resources including land, plants, ecology & environment. Agriculture has also been losing its relevance & utility for past many years among rural communities due to various reasons. These are mainly related with availability Journey towards livelihood in the mountains

Our wee-bit for Cancer care

In the early 90s, Dr. Martin Jerry (extreme left in the pic), initiated the dialogue with Tom Baker Cancer Center, Canada to facilitate a cancer program of Garhwal Himalayas.  The seed sown by Swami Rama’s blessings blossomed into the full blown center now named as the Cancer Research Institute (CRI). One of the largest in Our wee-bit for Cancer care

Lesson from COVID19…

Globally, health professionals, medical experts, social scientists, and researchers were unable to answer the uncertainty created by COVID19. Health authorities were totally confused and unable to explain about the COVID 19 adequately and appropriately.  Investigation, treatment and management protocols were changed frequently as scientists drew some conclusions. Across the states, many hospitals were constructed; hotels, Lesson from COVID19…

Let Body be Body’s cure

[Excerpts from a keynote address given by Dr.S.Rama at a Physicians conference in Madras, September 1992] As COVID-19 continues unabated, we’d like to shareone of the early lectures our founder Swami Rama gave to an elite group of physicians titled ‘Let body be body’s cure’.  In it he laid out that  the sages of India Let Body be Body’s cure

Health for all

Incorporating information technology in community health programs has one unique feature; both clients and providers save enormous amount of time, energy and cost. At the same time it increases the number of beneficiaries for health services in remote areas.  To make the services cost-effective for common people, Rural Development Institute has adopted various strategies which Health for all