. . . continued from last issue
What we are discussing is the possibility of a field of energy being the causative agent in an infection. If so, focusing on the destruction of tiny microorganisms as the supposed causative agents serves no purpose. Maybe they come on the scene mainly to clean out the waste that results from the organism’s efforts to eliminate the poisons after the damage has been done. Actually, their destruction may be more harmful than helpful in the long run.
A so-called acquired venereal infection or sexually transmitted disease (STD), left untreated, will ultimately manifest the same symptoms as an inherent or inherited miasm. It is the interaction of the morbific energy field with the susceptible biofield of the host that determines the expression of the respective miasm. In this way the microorganisms are merely a consequence of the disturbed environment.
An externally acquired venereal infection is only one of the ways through which the miasmatic tendency may take hold of the organism, and is not necessarily the result of the invasion of microorganisms.
J.C. Burnett, one of the early homeopaths of the 19th century, proposed the theory of vaccinosis, a condition produced by vaccination that is similar, if not identical, to the miasm sycosis. In Burnett’s own words: “The vaccinated person is poisoned by the vaccine virus. What is called the ‘taking’ becomes a chronic process—paresis, neuralgiae, cephalgiae, acne, etc. The less a person ‘takes’ the vaccine, the more are they likely to suffer from chronic vaccinosis. Therefore, vaccination may be protective in some cases and add fuel to the flames in others.”
If Burnett was correct, then it eliminates the necessity of an externally acquired gonorrheal infection to produce sycosis in the human organism. Such an infection is only one of the ways in which the sycotic state is produced. Burnett’s theory is supported by the science of virology. It is recognized that experimental vaccines composed of live, presumably attenuated viruses are potentially lethal in that the living vaccinia virus will most probably continue to persist in latency just as the virus acquired through natural infection. I quote Burnett: “Even though the primary infection caused by the vaccine virus may be silent, later reactivation of the virus might cause overt disease…” Suffice to say that vaccinosis is a highly controversial theory, especially in these days of Covid 19 pandemic, and I will not elaborate on it further at this time as the scope of this article is limited.
There are many factors that can interfere with the subtle energy levels of the human organism and create miasmatic conditions. For example, the suppression of any discharge, eruption or emotions will have similar effects from the point of view of energy and field disturbance. In fact, suppression may in the long run prove to be one of the major etiological factors in all chronic diseases, especially in this day and age. We will discuss suppression in the next issue.
Dr. Barbara Bova, HOD, Dept. of Homeopathy