. . . continued from previous issue


A miasmatic state may be the product of suppressive techniques, or an existing miasmatic activity may be suppressed, resulting in more profound complications.

As we have seen, the human being consists of different levels of energy and matter which are all interdependent and interrelated. Since disease is a dynamic energy process and not a material entity, when this energy is prevented from expressing itself through a particular outlet, physical or mental, it will seek another mode or outlet of expression. In other words, when there is an obstruction to the movement of prana, that energy will either accumulate in the concerned area or else it will seek an alternate path, pushing out in the direction of least resistance, according to the law of all forces. But its basic nature remains unchanged and so it will continue to behave in its characteristic manner, regardless of the consequences. In addition, energy that is not allowed to perform or carry out its natural function because of suppression or repression can be transformed into negative or perverted energy.

The direction the thwarted energy will take depends upon the ultimate source of form and pattern, individual consciousness and its corresponding habits, and upon the strength of the inherent vital force. A strong vital force will attempt to rid the organism of the disturbing forces in the least harmful way, through the most superficial and least significant organs of the body, in an outward or centrifugal direction. A weak vital force will allow the damaging forces to work their way further inward (centripetal) to the most vital organs. The combination of a weak vital force and strong suppressive drugs will allow the perverted energy to move inward to the central nervous system and even deeper to the subtle body.

When there is suppression of any natural function, the disturbed energy waves will reflect back to the nearest embryologically related organ or system at first, and if the suppression persists, the turbulence will spread to involve more and more organs. Functional disturbances (psora) will manifest first, followed by transformative (sycosis) or destructive processes (syphilis).

Suppression of the early expressions of a miasm only drives the process inward and results eventually in the tertiary expressions of the miasm. According to HC Allen (The Chronic Miasms), “The suppressed action of a chronic miasm means much to the patient, to the family and to the race in general, for it not only weakens the race, but it means hereditary transmission of either that perverted state, or that deeper and more profound involvement, by these newly developed processes, coming out of such suppressions.” The suppression of any discharge, natural or pathologic, will likewise be followed by dire consequences. For example, the suppression of an acute gonorrheal infection will permanently establish the sycotic miasm within the individual.

to be continued . . .

Dr. Barbara Bova, HOD, Department of Homeopathy