. . . continued from last issue
The possibility of a viral origin of some of the chronic diseases of unknown etiology reinforces the hypothesis that viruses and miasms may be identical. It is recognized that immunosuppression is an accompaniment of many viral infections. This is significant not only in terms of host susceptibility to secondary infection, but it may also enhance the growth and persistence of viruses. But it is not yet understood whether the extent of the immunosuppression is determined by the virulence of the infecting virus or by genetically predetermined resistance factors in the host. However, there is evidence that before a viral infection can lead to cancer or a chronic disease, there must be a breakdown or dysfunctioning of the immune system. Viruses and immunosuppression may represent the miasmatic mechanism of the genesis of chronic disease.
Earlier we discussed the significance of the different functions of prana as being responsible for the various aspects of the immune system. To reiterate: prana vayu maintains proper functioning of the thymus; samana vayu, under the influence of ajna chakra and the anterior pituitary, controls the secretion of cortisol; vyana plays a major role in the immune response and inflammatory processes; under the influence of vyana, circulation is increased to the areas under attack; multiplication of the cellular components of the immune system is likewise under the jurisdiction of vyana, as well as are the chemotactic factors that draw the cells of the immune system to the intended site; apana vayu helps to clean out any foreign invaders and necrotic debris. An active, normal immune response consists of a certain amount of inflammation, cell infiltration, lymph node enlargement and tissue destruction. A healthy immune response with appropriate functioning of the different aspects of prana, will be the response to an acute viral infection in an organism that is in the early stages of miasmatic infection. Once the defence mechanism has become completely compromised by the miasm, immunosuppression will follow.
Viruses are also suspected of playing a pathogenetic role in autoimmune disorders. Autoimmunity is the development of immunologic responsiveness to self, a loss of self-tolerance. Immunologic, genetic and environmental factors are involved in the genesis of autoimmunity. It is believed that the potential for the development of auto antibodies is probably present in everyone since it has been found that such auto antibodies are present in normal persons that show no evidence of autoimmune disease.
Retroviruses are of particular relevance to homeopathy and the theory of the chronic miasms. It has been surmised that retroviruses entered the human germline at some point in the distant past as a result of exogenous infection. From what is known of their life cycle and behavior, we can deduce that miasmatic infection could be synonymous with invasion of a retroviral agent. The resultant alteration of the biofield and its consequent susceptibility will be discussed in the next issue.
. . . . to be continued
Dr. Barbara Bova, HOD, Department of Homeopathy