Friday, 4 February 2022 was observed as World Cancer Day in Swami Rama Himalayan University. Activities were organized for students in various constituent colleges/academic units of the University. Lectures were delivered by the faculty members from Cancer Research Institute and interactive sessions were held with each group of students. Apart from this, cancer awareness campaigns were planned in Jollygrant, Doiwala and Raiwala. The students of Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences of the University along with its faculty informed the people about various types of cancer, their causes, prevention and treatment through posters on social forums. This year the theme of World Cancer Day was “Closing the Care Gap.”
Dr. Sunil Saini, Director, Cancer Research Institute, SRHU said that almost one-third of the cancer cases can be treated. He also informed that even during the Corona period, the hospital had taken a lead in treating cancer patients. Dr. Meenu Gupta added to this saying that at times people take the symptoms of any discomfort very lightly and by the time the disease is diagnosed, cancer spreads all over the body.