. . . continued from last issue
Ginger is satvic in nature and helps promote a calm and peaceful mind. A tea made with ginger and tulsi, is satvic by nature and enhances the immune system. As both the herbs affect the respiratory system it is very effective against phlegm.
Whenever a herb is considered in Ayurveda its taste or rasa, virya or the innate heat and the vipaka or the post digestive effect in the body is taken into consideration In the case of ginger its rasa is pungent and sweet. As it enters the body it heats it up because of its virya and because its vipaka is sweet it is cooling and nourishing for the tissues. Its sweet rasa pacifies vata and the pungent rasa pacifies kapha.
Ginger is a swedaka according to Ayurveda as it promotes sweating. It reduces chills by increasing heat and circulation.
Chewing fresh ginger will stimulate the salivary glands and acts like a mouth freshener.
A good way to enjoy enjoy ginger is to make a tea with it. Half an inch of ginger is boiled with 1½ cups of water for about half an hour. Cool it and add some honey. It has been found that this sometimes causes dryness of the mouth because fresh ginger is not unctuous. This can be overcome by mixing cardamom. This is why in most tea masalas both ginger and cardamom are found.
Tea made with ginger and rock salt is very effective in indigestion. Ginger juice and gud if mixed and taken has been found to be effective in allergic rashes. In the case of stings ginger paste made with a bit of yogurt and applied topically has been found to be effective.
A number of formulations contain ginger. Some of them are trikatu, adraka ghrta or ginger ghee. Trikatu as its name suggests is a mixture of 3 katu herbs which are ginger, black pepper and long pepper. It is a very good remedy for a weak digestive fire. A pinch of trikatu is mixed with the first morsel of food. Adraka ghrta is also very good for gastritis and indigestion. The ghrta here pacifies the pitta.
Research has shown that ginger shares a lot of properties with NSAIDs and it has less side effects. It has also been shown that it influences post chemotherapy nausea.
It also helps in purifying blood and improving circulation. It has also been found to improve nerve transmission.
Ginger has been shown to be the universal medicine for some of today’s common diseases so include it in your daily routine and feel as if you are getting a warm hug from within.
Mrs. Mira Swami, Dept. of Ayurveda