In Ayurvedic Literature Trikatu holds a a very important place. The word Trikatu is derived from Sanskrit where Tri means three and Katu means spicy or pungent. It is also known as Vyosh, Tryushna or Katutraya. It contains Pippali or long pepper, (Piper longum), Kali mirch or Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) and Shunti dried ginger (Zinzibar officinale). All the three are in equal quantities.

It is prescribed routinely for a variety of diseases. Trikatu plays an important role in balancing Kapha especially in the respiratory system. It is very effective in managing cough and cold. It controls cough, releases mucus and clears the respiratory passages so breathing is better. In such cases 1/4th teaspoon of Trikatu powder is mixed with 1-2 teaspoons of honey and taken 3-4 times a day.

It also stimulates the digestive system to produce digestive enzymes to promote digestion of food. Hence it is usually given in cases where the digestive Agni is low. It
is considered one of the best drugs to treat Agnimandya (indigestion).

It is also effective in sinus problems. Other than clearing the sinuses it also has a rasayan effect that helps in boosting the immune system and preventing respiratory diseases.

It is also found to be effective in type 2 diabetes but rather than self-medicate it is advisable to consult a doctor before taking it.

It exhibits potent anti-inflammatory activity and hence is effective in Rajyakshma (tuberculosis) and in Aamvata (rheumatoid arthritis). It is used in Kaphaja diseases like staulya (obesity), splenomegaly,hepatomegaly.

Trikatu has been found to reduce triglycerides and LDL and to increase HDL cholesterol iand hence plays a role in hyperlipedemia. It has also been found to reduce the arteriosclerosis associated with a high fat diet. Trikatu has also been effective in Anorexia and it improves the digestive Agni. Modern research has shown that it improves the secretion of digestive juices, increases appetite and stimulates the formation of acid thus inhibiting gaseous distention.

It has been used to treat liver diseases as it has been shown to have hepatoprotective effects. Regular consumption of Trikatu helps in regeneration of liver cells, restores normal liver functions and helps in bringing to lower the liver enzymes.

It also has effects on the cardiac system. It has been found to relax the cardiac rhythm by calming the mind. It is also used to strengthen the heart muscles.

Although it is the absolute remedy for a number of diseases it can cause certain adverse reactions if taken more than advocated. The side effects are usually seen as heartburn, burning sensations, hot flushes, mouth ulcers, excessive sweating, bleeding disorders and even redness of eyes. Due to its hot potency it could aggravate gastritis.

It is also not given during pregnancy.

Mrs. Mira Swami, Dept of Ayurveda