(Part 3 continued from last issue)

Cooked Foods


It can be cooked in different ways.

Manda is the fluid got by boiling rice in water. It is very laghu, digests ama (toxin), nourishes vata and nourishes the body. It is usually used when the agni is weak. After panchakarma treatment manda is given first.

Peya contains more water than rice. It increases agni and can be given in jwara (fever), and indigestion.

Vilepi is a preparation containing equal parts of water and rice. It increases agni and is also constipating. It is the ideal food after panchakarma and weakness.

Odona is the rice which is got after cooked rice is strained of the excess water. If eaten warm it is light.

Lajja (Puffed rice)

Lajja is prepared by roasting paddy. It is very laghu and also is a grahi. Because of this water in which lajja has been soaked is  given in vomiting and diarrhea.

Mamsa Group (Meat)

It is a very good nourishing agent. It increases strength and kapha It is recommended for people doing strenuous work.

Out of all the preparations of mamsa soup is the best.

Mamsa from jangala animals like deer, rabbit and birds is sheetha, laghu and balances pitta.

Anoopa animals like bull, pig and aquatic animals increase kapha and medas. It cures vata diseases.  Mamsa got from a sadharana area is the healthiest. Goats belong to this group.

Saka Varga (Vegetables)

Brinjal increases pitta and agni and reduces vata.

Karela increases agni and taste and reduces kapha.

Kushmanda (ash gourd) is a very good rasayan and reduces vata and pitta.

Cucumber reduces pitta and increases urinary output.

Sigru (drumstick), mooli and punarnava when tender is good for all the three doshas. It cures swasa (difficulty in breathing) peinasa, reduced agni and abdominal colic.

Leafy vegetables are unhealthy for the eyes.

Phala Varga or Fruits

Fruits grown naturally and in the proper season are the best.

Grapes is the best among fruits. It has madhura, sheeta, snigdha and guru qualities. It reduces vata and pitta and cures jwara, bleeding and weakness. It also increases urinary output.

Dadima (pomegranate) has a slightly sour taste and is constipating. It is very good for all the 3 doshas and cures bleeding disorders and diarrhea.

Mocha (banana) is madhura and guru.  It balances pitta and increases kapha.

Mango is madhura, amla and guru. It increases kapha and Semen.

Mrs. Mira Swami, Department of Ayurveda