Dietary Rules According to Ayurveda

The great Ayurvedic physician Acharya Charak has explained about the disciplined dietary guidelines as Aahar vidhi vidhan. It is a set of guidelines for having food and liquids, helping people to achieve proper digestion, assimilation and overall health. It can help...

The Inherent Healing Force

Treatment Regimen for RA (continued) Regulation of bowels: First thing on waking in the morning drink a glass of warm water to which have been added ½ tsp of honey, the juice of 1 lemon and a pinch of salt. This helps to clean out the bowels and to keep evacuation...

Love Means to Adjust and to Understand, by Swami Rama

Love means to adjust and to understand. The Odd Couple One day a sage came to visit a couple. He sang a song for them that explained the meaning of life and the true goal of life. His song expressed that love was the most ancient traveler in the world. From eternity...