Ayurveda classifies all substances into Ahara and Oushadha (medicine). Ahara usually has very strong palatable flavors. Oushadha on the other hand is usually not very appetizing but has a very strong potency or virya. Ahara can be found either in the liquid form...
Almost everyone has felt the influences of stress at some point during life, perhaps relating to a situation at school, work or in one’s family. Although the stresses in our environment cannot be controlled, our reaction to them can be. Breath can be used as a very...
. . . continued from last issue Other characteristics of the physical structure of the tubercular constitution are: pallor of skin with bluish tint, due to slowing of circulation, venous stagnation and dilatation of blood vessels: lips may be thick and protruding;...
Link: Initiatives for reverse migration through empowering enterprising farmers
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