In Ayurvedic Literature Trikatu holds a a very important place. The word Trikatu is derived from Sanskrit where Tri means three and Katu means spicy or pungent. It is also known as Vyosh, Tryushna or Katutraya. It contains Pippali or long pepper, (Piper longum), Kali...
The great Ayurvedic physician Acharya Charak has explained about the disciplined dietary guidelines as Aahar vidhi vidhan. It is a set of guidelines for having food and liquids, helping people to achieve proper digestion, assimilation and overall health. It can help...
The unique concept of mind rejuvenation explained in Ayurveda by Acharya Charaka. The word Achar means the ‘mental attitude’ and rasayana means the ‘rejuvenation’. The methods explained for the mind rejuvenation by the great Ayurvedic physician Acharya Charaka are the...
Signs and SymptomsFeatures of Jwara include abnormal taste in the mouth, heaviness of body, aversion to food, tiredness, body aches, mental agitation. There is usually absence of sweat and raised body temperature. Fevers which are due to exogenous factors...
Jwara means that which causes anguish to the body and mind. It is the first disease that originated from the third eye of angry Lord Shiva. It is very similar to fever in medical terminologies. However, in Ayurveda a rise in temperature is only one of its symptoms....
Part 2 Vata aggravates either due to depletion of Dhatus or due to obstruction. Aggravation of Vata causes 80 diseases. They include paralysis, joint pain, back pain, sciatica etc. Signs and symptoms of Vata diseases are pain, numbness, shooting pain, tremor,...