Part 1 The word Roga or disease in Ayurveda comes from the Sanskirt word Ruk. Ruk means pain or suffering. Roga is present both in the mind and body. In Ayurveda whenever a Roga occurs it affects the Doshas. These Doshas areĀ Vata, Pitta and Kapha. They are found all...
Nidana in Ayurveda deals with details of causes, signs, symptoms and cure of raga (disease). It gives a complete understanding of the raga. It is the beginning point of roga diagnosis. Some authors say that anything which causes a change in the doshas is the nidana of...
. . . continued from previous issue Kwaatha This is obtained by boiling 60 grams of cleaned, chopped and crushed raw drugs and cooked with 1200 ml of water and reduced to 1/4th. Usually when administration is done clinically this filtered Kwaatha is further reduced to...
In Ayurveda anything that exists on this earth can be a dravya (drug) as it is made up of panchamahabhootas. Caraka says even a poison can be an effective drug when administered in the proper way and in the same way an elixir can prove harmful if administered wrongly....
Amritha (Tinospora cordifolia) It is also known as giloy and gudduchi. It is a very good rasayan. All the parts of the plant can be used but the stem is thought to be the best. It has a thikta taste and a ushna veerya. After digestion it develops a madhura taste. It...
A word of advice. Please be careful with all the Ayurvedic preparations as you might think they are harmless. Actually, the herbs do have the same properties as drugs. Always take them under the guidance of an Ayurvedic doctor. In Ayurveda various herbs and herbal...