Ahara (part 2)

. . . continued from last issue Sweet Products Ayurveda believes that sweet taste being one of the 6 tastes in ayurveda is beneficial rather than harmful to a person when ingested in the proper way. Sakkar (Sugar) Sakkar reduces pitta and rakta. It is good in vomiting...

Ahara (Food)

Ayurveda classifies all substances into Ahara and Oushadha (medicine). Ahara usually has very strong palatable flavors. Oushadha on the other hand is usually not very appetizing but has a very strong potency or virya. Ahara can be found either in the liquid form...


. . . continued from last issue Pitta Pitta is derived from the word tap which means heat. It produces digestion, metabolism and other transformations in the body. Complexion, intellect and vision are also pitta produced. It is unctuous, penetrating, hot, light and...


A living being is made up of five mahabhutas and the atma. Panchamahabhutas form the material aspect of the body while atma forms the spiritual aspect. The panchamahabhutas are space, air, fire, water and earth. The constant interaction between agni or fire, and jala...


Prakruti means two things in Ayurveda. It denotes both body constitution and nature. Prakruti is affected by the movement of the earth and planets. Changing seasons will not only affect the surroundings but will also affect the doshas and hence the body. The main aim...


Ayurveda places a lot of emphasis on prevention rather than cure. All the classical writers emphasize a daily routine called dinacharya and seasonal routine called ritucharya. Dinacharya is made up of two words: dina or day and charya or routine or activity....