Madhukarkati (Citrus decumana) This plant is known as chakotara in Hindi and shaddock/ pomelo in English. It belongs to family rutaceae and amradiphal varg of bhavprakash nighantu. It is a widely distributed and widely used indigenous plant found in Indian...
Taruni ( Rosa centifolia) Taruni is known as gulab in Hindi and rose in English. It belongs to family Rosaceae and Karveeradi Varg in Raaj Nighantu, Ayurveda. This plant which is native to Persia is now commonly planted in Bulgaria, France, Spain and Italy though...
Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina) Sarpagandha is known as Dhawal barua in Hindi and Serpentine wood in English. It belongs to family Apocynaceae and Kutaj kul in Ayurveda. This plant is native to the moist, deciduous forests of southeast Asia including India, Burma,...
Jamboo (Syzygium cumini) This tree is commonly known as jamun in Hindi and jambolan/black plum in English. It belongs to the family Myrtaceae and Mutra Sangrahaniya Gana in Ayurveda. It is known to have grown in the Indian sub-continent, and many other adjoining...
Ashwattha ( Ficus religiosa) Ashwattha is known as peepal in Hindi and sacred fig in English. It belongs to family moraceae or kashay skandh in Ayurveda. It is a species of fig, native to the Indian subcontinent and Indochina. This tree is sacred in Indian tradition....