Ayurvedic View of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is becoming a common cause of digestive problems. At least 10-15% of the population are affected by it. The cause for IBS is not known. The mind and stress play a very important role here. It usual affects a person before they are 45. It...

The Theory of the Chronic Miasms of Homeopathy

. . . continued from last issue What we are discussing is the possibility of a field of energy being the causative agent in an infection. If so, focusing on the destruction of tiny microorganisms as the supposed causative agents serves no purpose. Maybe they come on...

Reaching Out to Adolescents and Youth

RDI has been working with youth and adolescents since its inception in 1991 enabling their learning and development through various health-based, training and exposure activities. Primarily RDI supports building their capacity in health, education, income generation,...

The Theory of the Chronic Miasms of Homeopathy

. . . . continued One of the major misunderstandings of the theory of the chronic miasms is how an individual becomes affected or infected by a miasmatic force. Because of Hahnemann’s use of the word infection, many have been misled to think in terms of searching for...

Mind in Ayurveda

. . . . continued from previous issue The mind and vata dosha are made up of the same elements namely air and ether. When vata is in balance then the mind is clear and there will be clarity and an increased spiritual understanding. It is because of this that for...