The Unfoldment of Human Potential by Swami Rama

The highest human potentials are expressed by those willing to be silent and peaceful and to forgo status and power. They quietly and lovingly go about their work, teaching and helping others without expectation of reward. Thus, love and an attitude of acceptance make...

24th Mahasamadhi Anniversary of HH Swami Rama

The Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust (HIHT) celebrated the 24th Mahasamadhi Anniversary of its Founder HH Dr Swami Rama on 13th November 2020, who laid the foundation of HIHT in the year 1989. This year the Mahasamadhi Diwas was celebrated with simplicity due to the...

RDI Celebrates International Day for People with Disability

This year the celebration of International Day for People with Disability was marked on December 3rd based on the theme: “Building Back Better: Toward a Disability-Inclusive, Accessible and Sustainable Post COVID-19 World.”The celebration was done through various...

Mind in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is probably the first to recognise the interrelationship between the mind and body. Both of them complement each other in health and disease. In Ayurveda the mind is considered a sixth sense organ. It is both sensory and motor. Ayurveda emphasises the fact...

Learning to Use the Mantra by Swami Rama

When a mantra is imparted to a student, it is meant to be used in a particular and specific way during the practice of meditation. Mantras are not spoken or muttered on the gross physical level, with the mouth, tongue, and voice box, but instead, are heard first...