[pdf-embedder url=”http://hihtindia.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/NovDec2020.pdf”]
RDI celebrated its Founder’s Day on September 20-21. The celebration was in sync with the “new normal” but spirits were not dampened by the pandemic. RDI team could also virtually connect with well-wishers. “Good Posture, Bad Posture” an informative literature, was...
. . . continued from May-June issue We are continuing with our discussion of the chronic miasms and the immune response. Hahnemann came to the realization that there was some internal mechanism that was altered by miasmatic infection and that because of this...
What is this unit, of family, meant for? Wife should do karma for husband, husband should do karma for wife; they are doing karma themselves, but fruits should be given to each other, and they both should give the fruits to their children. Do this experiment, and...
[pdf-embedder url=”http://hihtindia.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/SeptOct2020.pdf”]
It has beeen very challenging for health care systems to contain Covid-19 transmission in the rural areas, especially in Uttarakhand because of the shortage of doctors, hospital beds and equipment, especially in densely populated underserved areas. Covid-19 creates a...