RDI Foundation Day

Swami Rama, Founder of Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust, felt the need to address the concerns of rural mountain people. To this end he established the Rural Development Institute (RDI) to act as a hub to ensure holistic development addressing health, education,...

Smile Resurgence Event

Smile Train, an international children’s charity supporting free cleft repair surgery and comprehensive cleft care for children globally, inaugurated “Muskan” ward at its partner hospital, Himalayan Hospital. On September 15, Susannah Schaefer, Executive Vice Chair,...

Energy of Consciousness in the Human Personality by Swami Rama

continued from last issue It passes through seven ever vibrant and dynamic psychophysiological stations, or centers, into which it sends its sparks, whereby they become functional and the personality becomes operant. Thus the consciousness touches us and we come...

The Theory of the Chronic Miasms of Homeopathy

. . . continued from previous issue Based on this knowledge we can presume that subtle energy fields dictate the differentiation of the developing embryo into three germ layers. In the same context we could also conjecture that each of the miasms has a particular...

Rural Development Institute Update

Promoting Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM)RDI works with adolescent girls and women, promotes and facilitates reproductive healthcare awareness, education and services mainly in the rural and mountainous region of Uttarakhand. One of its important components is...