Smile Torch

Smile Train India—the country’s largest cleft charity—and its partner hospital, Himalayan Hospital, welcomed the “Smile Torch” to Dehradun on 16 May 2019.The Smile Torch is a unique national initiative for creating renewed awareness about cleft lips and their...

Energy of Consciousness in the Human Personality by Swami Rama

. . . . continued from previous issue The yogis say that only a certain surface of the mind is asleep but that a vast area of the mind never sleeps. For if the entire mind were to sleep, who is it that continues the digestive processes during that time? Who keeps the...

The Ayurvedic Centre Plants in Campus

Tanduliyak ( Amaranthus spinosus) This plant is commonly known as chaulai in Hindi and thorny amaranth in English. It belongs to family Amaranthaceae. It is a plant native to the tropical Americas, but is present on most continents as an introduced species and...

International Women’s Day

On March 8th, 2019, RDI joined in worldwide celebration of International Women’s Day. This day is celebrated globally with varied emotions. Marked as a day to spread messages for social reform earlier, the trends now are towards celebrating the spirit of womanhood. A...

The Theory of the Chronic Miasms of Homeopathy

continued from previoius issue Constitution: A traditional way of defining the chronic miasms is as constitutional weaknesses or predispositions that may or may not make their presence known. As the basic energy that underlies the phenomenal world exists in two forms,...