Parenthood and the Spiritual Path by Swami Rama

There is one single characteristic that has existed in all the great people of the different traditions in the world, and that is selflessness. Christ, the Buddha, and Krishna all attained the highest wisdom, but they remained themselves. Your outer individual shell...

HIHT News July-August 2018 Issue

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The Ayurvedic Centre Plants in Campus

Madhukarkati (Citrus decumana) This plant is known as chakotara in Hindi and shaddock/ pomelo in English. It belongs to family rutaceae and amradiphal varg of bhavprakash nighantu. It is a widely distributed and widely used indigenous plant found in Indian...

Engaging and Empowering Peer Educators

In its efforts to reach out to the adolescents and address their health issues along with offering additional information, Rural Development Institute (RDI) offers multiple orientation and capacity building programs. These programs are designed to address multiple...

The Theory of the Chronic Miasms of Homeopathy

part 9, continued from previous issue When one’s consciousness is raised to the fifth and sixth chakras, vishuddha and ajna respectively, one is in touch with the subtler aspects of existence and becomes creative and intuitive. The sattva guna predominates with the...

Gurudeva by Swami Rama

A time comes when the seeker goes through a period of argumentation with herself and cannot decide. At this time a real preceptor is needed. How will you find the right master? No one can search for a preceptor. There is a saying in the scriptures: “When the disciple...