. . . continued from last issue When the psoric miasm is present, evidence of its presence is known by the signs and symptoms, depending on which of the five function(s) of prana is (are) deranged, and also on the etiological factors of the derangement. Depending on...
Rural Development Institute celebrated its Founder’s Day on 20-21 September 2022. It was the time to remember, cherish, recognise and reward those who contributed to organization’s mission of reaching the unreached. The two-day program included various activities at...
World Health Organisation has defined health as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease. Susruta defined health as a state where the tridoshas, the digestive agni, all the body components and tissues are in...
. . . continued from last issue PSORATo this day, what Hahnemann actually meant by the term psora has never been definitively elucidated. It was Hahnemann’s observation that there was something obstructing cure in many of the cases he was treating. He noted that this...
In the ongoing series of events organized by the University to commemorate 75 years of “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” of the country, the Literary & Fine Arts Committee of the University organized the Rangoli Competition on 12 August 2022 and Speech Competition on 13...