We forget the true aim of our life and get involved—“This is mine, this is not mine.” Have everything. Don’t deny yourself. But don’t forget the ultimate Reality, your goal. Then, whatever you have, you’ll enjoy those things. You’ll make them as means. So teacher...
HIHT, the Promoting Society of Swami Rama Himalayan University celebrated its Founder’s Day on Wednesday, 1 June 2022. Dr. Vijay Dhasmana, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of the University unveiled the portrait of HH Swami Rama and lighted the lamp on the occasion. In the...
. . . . continued from last issue It has anti microbial properties. Susruta the father of Ayurvedic surgery recommends it for wound healing. For centuries it has been used for wound healing. It has also been found to be very effective against eye infections....
. . . . continued from last issue We have acknowledged in the previous article that it is the interaction between host and virus that leads to disease. To elaborate on this concept, we can say the miasms, particularly sycosis, are fundamental to the interaction...
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