The Seed

It was 25 years back, around this time of the year, when Sri Swami Rama said, “I’m going.” I said, “But you can’t.” He said, “Why?” Looking over the canopy of the trees, pointing to the magnificent buildings, I said, “Swamiji, your work is not over. It’s not these...

Celebrating RDI’s Foundation Day

It has been a long, enriching, insightful and deeply connected journey of Rural Development Institute serving the rural populace of Uttarakhand and many parts around. Rural Development Institute has been celebrating its Foundation Day on September 20-21 every year....

Towards Population Dynamics

The population of Uttarakhand is vibrant, diverse and predominantly young, accounting for approximately 10.1 million people. COVID-19 pandemic has taken the life of around 7,300 people in the state. This is particularly important because the impact of COVID-19 on...


Storytelling is a valuable art which has been around as long as humankind. Stories connect us emotionally and stay with us much longer than facts or statistics. They are powerful and can teach morals. They can teach history as well as entertain us. They are a part of...

Service, Education, Work

Serving people with disability is a decade-old agenda for RDI. The efforts made earlier were dedicated towards ensuring community-based rehabilitation for people with disability. Our learnings were constructive which led to fresh initiatives under SEW (Service,...

In Memorium

It is with profound grief we inform you that Sri Roshan Lal Kanodia, disciple of HH Swami Rama, left for his heavenly abode May 3, 2021. Shri Roshan Lal ji was one of the founding members of Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust, the promoting society of our University...