22nd Mahasamadhi Anniversary Commemorative Function

On the occasion of 22nd Mahasamadhi Anniversary Commemoration of H.H. Dr. Swami Rama on 13th November 2018 at Swami Rama Himalayan University (SRHU), several programs were conducted on the University premises. Former prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh visited Himalayan...

Chains or Freedom?

Karma is not God’s doing. Karma is performed by each individual. It is what each particular individual must deal with, understand, and complete. Karma is the product of each person’s own actions, thoughts, and desires. No one else is responsible for it. It is...

Learning to Die by Swami Rama

All of life’s events try to teach that out of death comes life. In the process there is an urge to know and feel something that cannot die. Jesus taught that “whosoever will save his life shall lose it, but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake shall save it.” In...

Parenthood and the Spiritual Path by Swami Rama

There is one single characteristic that has existed in all the great people of the different traditions in the world, and that is selflessness. Christ, the Buddha, and Krishna all attained the highest wisdom, but they remained themselves. Your outer individual shell...

Gurudeva by Swami Rama

A time comes when the seeker goes through a period of argumentation with herself and cannot decide. At this time a real preceptor is needed. How will you find the right master? No one can search for a preceptor. There is a saying in the scriptures: “When the disciple...

HIHT News May-June 2018

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