The twin side of vairagya is abhyasa. Abhyasa means practice and practice means discipline and attention. The two are linked as night and day. A person cannot develop nonattachment or vairagya without abhyasa. Similarly, abhyasa without vairagya amounts ultimately to...
When I left the Himalayas, I thought I knew something. But when I came to the West, let me tell you that I learned a lot. I came to Detroit, and there I spoke, after the conference was over. So, when I wanted to cross the road, green light turned into red light. And I...
The 21st Mahasamadhi Anniversary Commemorative Function of H.H. Dr. Swami Rama was held on 13th November 2017 at Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust (HIHT). The Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, Shri Trivendra Singh Rawat was the Chief Guest. The new hi-tech Reference...
The Upanishads say that first you will have to face the external world. You will have to learn the technique of doing your duties in the external world. If you know how to live in the external world, perhaps the external world will not create any barriers on the path...
This talk on the 2nd Chapter (Sadhana Pada) of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali was presented by Sri Swami Rama to his American students in early 1977 as part of a series of lectures. As with many of Swamiji’s talks he covers a wide range of topics in ways that are both...