Recorded live from lectures Swami Rama gave to the graduate students at the Himalayan Institute in Glenview, Illinois, in the late 1970s. In this lecture Swami Rama continues his discussion of Kriya Yoga and the Kleshas. He then proceeds to discuss Karma and to...
Bhakti is a powerful path for learning to channel one’s emotional power, which arises from desires. Desires themselves spring from the four primitive urges—the drives for food, sex, sleep, and self-preservation, which exist in every living creature. But there is...
This is Volume 7 of the series At the Feet of a Himalayan Master and includes the reminiscences of eight disciples of Swami Rama, five women and 3 men, three living in the U.S., one from the U.K. and four from India. This takes the total number of contributors to the...
Yoga deals with the experiential aspects of man’s liberation from human imperfection and suffering, and is concerned with practical methods for attaining this state, using the philosophical doctrines of Samkhya as their basis. Samkhya philosophy supports the...
Sri Guru Granth Sahib in English Verse, volume 1 Transcreation by Swami Rama Creator of the worlds is One, Before the Maker there is none. Truth His Name, pervading force, Fearless, guileless, timeless source. Never born, the absolute, Self-illumed His attribute. By...
Western culture, which has increasingly welcomed and embraced traditions from the East in the last thirty years, has too often understood guru to mean simply a teacher. In the West guru is frequently considered to be merely someone who is trained in philosophy,...