Part 2 Prana makes up the pranic sheath that connects the body to the mind. Thus, the body mind relationship comes from prana, not from the kundalini. Likewise, the power to move does not come from the kundalini. Prana is described as flowing like a current through a...
Samyama the Power of Self-Transformation is the third and final volume of Yoga the Sacred Science, a series based on Swami Rama’s comments on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and other aspects of yoga science and philosophy. Samyama represents the culmination of the sacred...
All power comes from the center of consciousness. In the beginning in the vast ocean of bliss, there was silent movement (satyam shivam sundaram), and from that silent movement the universe manifested. All of the five kingdoms—Monera, Protista, plants, fungi,...
Part 3 Sushumna application means that the breath is flowing equally through both of the nostrils. When you have learned to understand the basic breathing exercises, then you should pay attention to the breath flowing through the nostrils. When you become sensitive to...
Breathing Then you may notice that your breath is creating a problem for you: your mind is being distracted by your breath. Breath plays a great role in life. It helps you to control your mind, and if you know how to breathe properly you can control your emotional...
You must know with certainty what meditation means, and how meditation can help you. Is meditation a complete therapy or do you need a therapist on whom you can lean for many, many years and still not understand yourself? First of all you should understand that your...