. . . . continued from last issue How Man was Born? In Sanskrit literature every word indicates its root. It is not so in other languages. For example, take the English word “birth.” It does not indicate what the word birth means. Generally people make a mistake in...
. . . continued from last issue Now the question arises. Is man responsible for the qualities and characteristics which have a play in his life? Is he the maker of his own destiny or some one else is the ruler of his life? What is all this life pulled and wrenched by...
2021 – Swami Rama Humanitarian Award was presented to Vinoba Seva Ashram, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh for its commendable job of almost 40 years. The award was well received by Sh. Ramesh Bhayiya, Founder of the Vinoba Sewa Ashram, consisting of Rs. 5 lakhs, a...
This life line is sustained between the two ends of birth and death. Our life, emerging from behind the curtain of the unknown, exhibits itself for some time to this manifest world and then makes its exit merging with the unknown again. This life is like a manuscript...
At the time of death the soul discards the body, its outer garment. Yama told Nachiketa that after the body is dead and destroyed, the soul continues to exist. There are spiritual realms where the soul remains without the help of the physical body or the phenomena of...
As humans, we have the power to choose our actions—we can choose to act either selfishly and destructively or selflessly and lovingly. When we act selflessly and lovingly, we affirm and recognize an inner force higher than our mere personalities and egos. We affirm...