Ahimsa by Swami Rama

Love bears all things and endures all things. Nowhere will you find a true definition of love except in yoga science. In yoga science ahimsa means love. A means “no,” himsa means “killing, hurting, harming or injuring with mind, action and speech.” If you follow these...

Dr. Swami Rama 24th Mahasamadhi Diwas

On 13 November 2019, Swami Rama Himalayan University (SRHU) and its promoting society Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust (HIHT) together observed 23rd Mahasamadhi Anniversary of the founder and guide His Holiness Dr. Swami Rama. Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh...

Energy of Consciousness in the Human Personality by Swami Rama

. . . continued from last issue The yogi resorts to a different path, the inward one. And here we come to the difference between closed stations and open stations. It is stated in the kundalini literature that an average person is living with closed chakras which are...

Energy of Consciousness in the Human Personality by Swami Rama

continued from last issue It passes through seven ever vibrant and dynamic psychophysiological stations, or centers, into which it sends its sparks, whereby they become functional and the personality becomes operant. Thus the consciousness touches us and we come...

Energy of Consciousness in the Human Personality by Swami Rama

. . . . continued from previous issue The Current of Consciousness Are there special procedures, processes, connections, which consciousness follows in running our personalities? The universal consciousness principle may be compared, for our purpose here, to a current...