A living being is made up of five mahabhutas and the atma. Panchamahabhutas form the material aspect of the body while atma forms the spiritual aspect. The panchamahabhutas are space, air, fire, water and earth. The constant interaction between agni or fire, and jala...
The Syphilitic Miasm (continued) Since the mental, pranic and physical bodies represent a continuum of different frequencies of vibrating energy, any suppression of the perversions of syphilis on the structural level will force the underlying morbific energy inward to...
Hailing from Bundelkhand, Uttar Pradesh (U.P.), Shri Vishnu Sharan graduated from Allahabad University and then got his Civil Engineering degree from the University of Roorkee (now I.I.T. Roorkee). He started his professional career with the U.P. Irrigation...
Part 2 Meditation Is Not Religion Meditation teaches one how to be; it is an inward method for knowing oneself on all levels and for experiencing the higher levels of consciousness. The basic instruction for meditation is “Be still, and know that I am God,” and this...
Prakruti means two things in Ayurveda. It denotes both body constitution and nature. Prakruti is affected by the movement of the earth and planets. Changing seasons will not only affect the surroundings but will also affect the doshas and hence the body. The main aim...
Part 1 The method of meditation is an inward process that finally leads one to the foundation of life and light. This is the center of consciousness, from where consciousness flows on various degrees and grades. A human being is a citizen of two worlds: the world...