Karma is actually a very simple concept; it is the law of cause and effect on the human scale, and it governs all our lives. Karma is a principle that is widely accepted and taught under many different names in the great traditions of self-transformation. The...
On the occasion of International Yoga Day, a week-long celebration was observed at Swami Rama Himalayan University starting from 17th June wherein an Interstate Yoga Championship was organized at Himalayan School of Yoga Sciences & Holistic Health. Approximately...
We are deeply grieved to announce the passing of Dr. Rajesh (Rajeshwaramma), a dedicated disciple of H.H. Swami Rama who served the Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust (HIHT) in various capacities including Director, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Director,...
. . . continued from last issue If the go ahead signal to “manufacture” viruses is given by the miasm, then is it not possible that, due to an activated miasm, endogenous latent retroviral agents may seemingly spontaneously arise from within? If this is true, it is...
The introduction of CPR training in schools has been advocated by the World Health Organization and benefits of cardiopulmonary resuscitation training for school children are well known. This is a very important issue since out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is a major...