Ayurveda considers food as medicine. It makes use of herbs and spices in daily life to create and maintain balance in the physiology. Ayurveda considers any herb that benefits the digestive system to be among the important herbs. Turmeric is one such herb. In India it...
. . . continued from last issue The primary miasmatic infection we are referring to is an interaction between the field of the virus and the biofield of the individual; without this interaction on subtler levels, the microorganism cannot gain admission. Not only was...
Dr. Neena Chauhan, Professor, Dept. of Pathology, W/o Dr. Vijendra D. Chauhan, Pro Vice Chancellor, SRHU and Secretary, HIHT, parted with her mortal body on 20 January 2022. Dr. Neena Chauhan was associated with the organization since its inception. She completed her...
Friday, 4 February 2022 was observed as World Cancer Day in Swami Rama Himalayan University. Activities were organized for students in various constituent colleges/academic units of the University. Lectures were delivered by the faculty members from Cancer Research...
. . . continued from last issue The possibility of a viral origin of some of the chronic diseases of unknown etiology reinforces the hypothesis that viruses and miasms may be identical. It is recognized that immunosuppression is an accompaniment of many viral...