Mind in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is probably the first to recognise the interrelationship between the mind and body. Both of them complement each other in health and disease. In Ayurveda the mind is considered a sixth sense organ. It is both sensory and motor. Ayurveda emphasises the fact...

Learning to Use the Mantra by Swami Rama

When a mantra is imparted to a student, it is meant to be used in a particular and specific way during the practice of meditation. Mantras are not spoken or muttered on the gross physical level, with the mouth, tongue, and voice box, but instead, are heard first...

The Theory of the Chronic Miasms of Homeopathy

. . . continued from May-June issue We are continuing with our discussion of the chronic miasms and the immune response. Hahnemann came to the realization that there was some internal mechanism that was altered by miasmatic infection and that because of this...

Nutrition in Ayurveda

. . . continued from previous issue Food should be consumed in a relaxed atmosphere and relished slowly. Breakfast should be light as it is the first meal after the body has fasted for a few hours. Lunch should be the main meal as the best time to digest food is at...