[pdf-embedder url=”http://hihtindia.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/NovDec2020.pdf”]
. . . continued from May-June issue We are continuing with our discussion of the chronic miasms and the immune response. Hahnemann came to the realization that there was some internal mechanism that was altered by miasmatic infection and that because of this...
. . . continued from previous issue Food should be consumed in a relaxed atmosphere and relished slowly. Breakfast should be light as it is the first meal after the body has fasted for a few hours. Lunch should be the main meal as the best time to digest food is at...
[pdf-embedder url=”http://hihtindia.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/SeptOct2020.pdf”]
It has beeen very challenging for health care systems to contain Covid-19 transmission in the rural areas, especially in Uttarakhand because of the shortage of doctors, hospital beds and equipment, especially in densely populated underserved areas. Covid-19 creates a...
Ayurveda’s approach to nutrition is very unique. The food we eat begins with the farmer. After that it goes into the hands of the cook. The vibes from the farmer and the cook end up in the prepared food. This may be true in all types of cooking but Ayurveda places a...